Sunday, October 23, 2011

Good Times

Last weekend my friend Aubrey from Phoenix came to run the Nike Women's Marathon (the half version) and was able to stay with me from Saturday to Monday. Saturday we went to Union Square to get her race packet, and holy moly there was some insanity there. Not only were there thousands of people standing in line for their race stuff, there were Nike presentations, booths for Neutrogena, Pom, and Safeway and also the Occupy San Francisco march through the financial district. Needless to say, it was very busy and loud. We went to dinner at, duh, Paxtis (it IS right down the street and she needed to carb-load, ok?!) and went to bed early. The next day she ran her race (yay!) and earned her Tiffany's necklace, which I shall mention, they are handed out by FIREMEN in TUXEDOS (which is probably why so many women sign up in the first place). Went out for brunch at another lovely Marina place - Grove and had this delectable dish:
Eggs Florentine
We met up with her friend who lived in the city later that night, and while waiting for her on the street outside of where we were meeting for dinner, we were approached by a few of the aformentioned firemen. One of them even recognized Aubrey as the girl he presented a necklace to. SO Aubrey finally got her picture with the firemen :)
And this yahoo wanted a picture with me and Sydney
Which really wasn't a bad thing, because he later asked for my number and asked me out to dinner.
Anywho, we spent Monday shopping at the Paper Source (cutest shop ever), getting this hilarious date-guide:
I didn't buy it but it made for a fun time. Then we walked down to Fisherman's Wharf and ate at the sourdough capital Boudain for some bread bowls of soup. One of Aubrey's coworkers insisted she do so, and I was happy to oblige. You totally would too.
Alas, Aubrey then had to go home, but it was great having another weekend visitor!

So last night Miss Pegah (actually, she's a Mrs. now, but I feel like that makes her sound older) and I went to the MOST AWESOME THING EVER! The Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Ring) playing on a huge screen with a full symphony, chorale and boys choir (the Phoenix boys choir - made us proud) playing the soundtrack while the movie played.

My phone camera doesn't really do it justice...
The concert was a) genius and b) made one of the best movies ever made even better. Kind of raises the bar on your movie-going experience, that's for sure. One of the really intense songs even started Miss Pegah to have contractions. Nothing consistent but stronger than she'd had before. The plan is to have her watch the next 2 LOTR movies and get that baby out. :) She's not due for another week but it would sure be nice to have her out before Halloween. Her husband Dave bought the baby this pumpkin hat and booties, and we'd really love to see her wear them.

I apologize for another post with more food pictures, but what can I say? Eating here is awesome. I plan on doing more outdoorsy adventures soon. The weather has been gorgeous! Apparently, summer doesn't like to arrive here until fall. Weird. Anyway, I'll post again soon! Miss you!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I have been here for little over a month (2 days over, to be exact), and am loving it! My best friend and her husband live across the bay, and it's been so good to be so close! The first week I was here we even got to a Giants' game! Our old friend Tom even got a small break from law school to enjoy some garlic fries and hot dogs with us.

 Can you believe this view? Crazy!
Tom, Pegah and me after the game. I was new from Phoenix and of course got a little chilly...

My second weekend here, Pegah and I drove down to San Jose, where Pegah's husband's old neighbors threw her a party. A little complicated, but it was very sweet. We both forgot cameras so the few pictures I got were from my Blackberry (Torch). Which is my new awesome phone and very handy, if you're in the market for one.

This was a delish double-layered Red Velvet cake. To celebrate, Aunty Stacy had two pieces. :)

The place I live at is incredible - in the Marina district, a block from a Safeway (which, apparently is known as a meeting place for younger single people - most people call it Dateway around here) and a Starbucks, and down the street from some great places to eat. And close to the GG bridge! We had a week of 70-80 degree weather and this was my run route:

Exhausting run isn't it? Yeah, I walked a lot too. Oh and how much does this remind you of Vertigo? If you have not seen it, you are not a true Hitchcock fan, nay, American. You will see all of the San Francisco Bay Area in that movie. 

This last weekend was Fleet Week and my neighbor (from AZ) Donna had a 20-hour layover (she's a flight attendant) so we hung out and saw the sights.

 The Blue Angels performed, I still have a neck strain from trying to find out where they were coming from/going to. Be happy my phone doesn't record sounds - at the end of this video, that plane comes out of nowhere and there was some legitimate screaming involved. Mostly from me.

Yay, Miss Donna! She's watching my place for me while I'm away. Isn't that sweet?
Donna went with me to a few great places. Mostly food places. Ok, ALL food places.
My favorites were:
Susie Cakes - Best cupcake imaginable. And I hate that it's right around the corner from me.

For dinner, we went to Paxti's - I tried it before with Pegah and Dave because it was featured on Check Please! Bay Area. It's a show on PBS that showcases the locals' favorite restaurants. I have now become addicted to the show as well and have a list of places I want to try. Especially when people come to town to visit. When Pegah, Dave and I went out, we got the deep stuffed pizza - Ah-MAZING! When Donna and I went we were going for speed - I had to get her back to her hotel so she could rest up before her 5AM flight. We got the thin crust, but it wasn't as good. Isn't it sad that I put more detail into what I'm eating than what I'm doing out here? You would too, friend. Trust me. 

So that's pretty much all I got so far. Oh! And I like my job. Haha, but that's not why I'm out here is it? :) Take care and I will post as soon as I have internet again!